consultation types

initial consultation

Your initial consultation will be up to 60 minutes of YOU time - I want to get to know you, your history and why you're here to see me. You'll leave the consultation room with a plan to start making the changes necessary for you to reach optimal wellness. 
This is also a space where you get to feel seen and heard, maybe for the first time in a long time.

follow up consultation

Your return consultation is 45 or 60 minutes long and will be used to check in and tweak your treatment plan. These sessions are important to keep you on track and make sure everything is going smoothly.
Check out my bookings page for info and pricing.

herbal & nutritional support

Herbs and nutritional supplementation are often part of treatment for my clients - among dietary and lifestyle changes and other elements. I am constantly learning and researching, keeping up to date with the most recent evidence to ensure the best health outcomes for you.